Prescription Glasses
Prescription glasses truly are a great invention. They help us to see things that we otherwise may not be able to see. They actually go as far as enhancing our lives to a point where we can enjoy some things we otherwise may not be able to enjoy. Now, it’s time for you to enjoy this short list of fun facts regarding glasses and a bit about their history.
Lots of People Need Prescription Glasses
You may not have known that over 50% of the world’s population may require some type of prescription glasses to enhance the way that they see. That’s a lot of people. Yet keep in mind, most people are different when it comes to eyes. Some people require glasses all the time, no matter what they’re doing. Some people only wear glasses when they’re driving, or when they’re watching tv, or reading. It is very likely that only a small percentage of those people are wearing their glasses for absolutely everything they do on a daily basis.
Wearing Other People’s Glasses Is not Detrimental
Have you ever put on someone else’s prescription glasses and had someone else tell you that you will wreck your eyes, or something along those lines? Well, that is simply not true. Doing so can and probably will make your eyes hurt a little bit for a short while, and even give you a bit of a headache depending on how long you are wearing the glasses for. But they will not actually do any sort of permanent damage to your eyes.
Reading in the Dim Won’t Do Any Damage Either
Similar to the last point, many people believe that when you are reading a book in a room that is dimly lit, that you will damage your eyes. And this is simply not true either. Of course, it may not be the easiest task to read in the dark, or almost dark, but you indeed won’t do any long term damage to your eyes. Some people have reported headaches after doing so for a longer period of time, and it’s probably easier to read when the room is lit, but you aren’t going to damage your eyes permanently.
They Change Your Look
This one might be obvious, so we’ll keep it short, but prescription glasses really do change the way you look. So if you’re looking to make a change to your appearance or feel like being a bit more bold, your glasses choice can make a huge difference, so go get yourself a new pair!
Prescription Glasses Do Not Make Your Vision Worse
Wearing glasses is never going to make your vision worse. We may think this because we hear our optometrist say that our vision has gotten slightly worse since the last time we visited, and that is normal. Our vision will often decrease over time.
Another reason we may think that is because when we take off our glasses, we feel overly blind. That is simply because our eyes do us a favour and try to adjust to the conditions. Therefore, if you’re wearing glasses, they begin to take a bit of a break and relax. The second you take those prescription glasses off, your eyes need to begin to adjust, which can take some time. So don’t worry, your glasses are always helping, not hurting!