Healthy Eyesight
Contrary to popular belief, healthy eyesight is more than just being able to see things clearly. It’s about being able to see things clearly, seeing the right colours, having eyes that adjust to lighting, and most importantly, dong things that protect your eyes from harmful threats. To help you either maintain or begin practicing healthy eyesight procedures, here’s a few things you can do to protect yourself and your eyes.
Book Your Regular Eye Exams
Regularly occurring eye exams are an important step in maintaining healthy eyesight. This can be for many reasons but most of all, exams are able to catch any sort of issues that have developed with your eyesight and correct those issues. It could be something more extreme like some sort of infection or condition in relation to your eyes or it could be something a little less extreme like your eyes changing and your current prescription no longer doing the job. Whatever the case, regular eye exams will allow you to maintain healthy eyesight and keep your eyes in the best shapes possible.
Consider Family History
Similar to any type of health condition, your eyes could develop diseases that can decrease the quality of your eyes. Some diseases are more serious than others but regardless, still important to address. When your family has a history or certain diseases contained in the eye, an eye doctor can help you to maintain healthy eyesight by specifically checking for conditions that you are more likely to develop due to family history. This can be done on your own but it is easier to track through an eye doctor.
Protecting Your Eyes From UV Rays
UV rays are a form of radiation that emits off the sun. Protecting your eyes from these harmful UV rays is one of the most simple and important precautions you can take to maintaining healthy eyesight. This is especially important for children because although you may not notice the effects right away, you will begin to see the effects UV rays have on eyes in many years down the road.
To prove our point, think about a sun burn. You’ve probably seen those really bad sun burns that look like the skin was boiled from the sun, not to mention the long term effects of too much sun exposure for the skin. Well same thing goes for your eyes. It’s much less obvious, but the sun is able to do horrible things to your eyes too and although you may not notice it now, you will regret it in the future.
Be Vocal With Your Eye Doctor About Healthy Eyesight
If you have any questions about how you can achieve healthy eyesight and avoid damaging effects of the eyes, don’t be afraid to ask your optometrist your questions! They’re there to help you and have the knowledge necessary to help you maintain healthy eyesight.
Next time you visit your eye doctor for a regular checkup, don’t be shy, they love to help you. Ask about things you can do to ensure your eyes will be able to serve you for the entire duration of your life.